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December, 2014

December is a time for giving. It's also a time for East Neuk Model Club to have their annual Christmas quiz. Dave Montgomery took the reigns this year. In keeping with the aforementioned tradition, we were soon all wanting to 'give' Dave something in recognition for his unique take on the role of Quizmaster. Mostly this involved baseball bats, hammers and assorted blunt and preferably rusty, hand-weilded paraphanalia. There was also talk of rewarding him with a surprise, but this was less a gift and more along the lines of cutting his brake lines. But it was Christmas after all and the spirits remained high despite the lack of same of the liquid variety that was in much need by the end.
December is also a competition night and the theme was Orange. It was well represented with a healthy and varied selection of entries on the table. The judging also provided a means of distraction allowing Dave to make a stealthy retreat as he'd heard mention of pitchforks...
The results of the competition were:
1st 1/48F6F Hellcat by Gary Bottoms
2nd 1/72 Bell 212 by Kevin Marshall
3rd 1/48 Bell X-1 bt Bruce Pert
Have a birl through the images and click to enlarge!
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