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August, 2017
If there's one thing I want you to take-away from this, it's that the only thing about building a model of a Chinese subject is that once you've built one, you want to build another a day or so later.
Our August comp night produced some sweet results with no sour feelings about the winner and we all had to use our noodles to come up with our mein entries.
The results of the competition were:
1st - Kevin - 1/72 Trumpeter Shenyang J-15 Flying Shark
2nd - Gary - Trumpeter 1/48 Nanchang CJ-6
3rd - Neil - 1/35 Meng Shi 1.5ton L.U.V.
Have a birl through the images and click to enlarge!
Kevin's Shenyang J-15
Gary's Nanchang CJ-6
Graham's J10B
The Chinese Tiffie - also known as the Vigorous Dragon
Kevin's Shenyang J-15
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