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Where small parts are a good thing!
East Neuk Model Club
The best damn model club this side of the North Sea and south of the River Tay and to the right of the M90 and up a bit from Auchtermuchty!
Site Updates
What's new and where to find it!
Our brand-spanking-shiny-new Facebook page is up and running and you can find it here!
April 3
At last, the nights are fair drawing out and out first meet in BST should put a spring in your modelling step. Also, the Scottish show season is almost upon us, so let's kick the tyres and light the fires!

The club meets at 7:00-ish on first Thursday of every month at the Old Parish Centre in Cupar. Why not come along and meet the guys and bring along a model to show off to the group! It's a very relaxed atmosphere with plenty of friendly banter to make you feel welcome. We have competition nights every other month and our annual show each June.
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